Genomic mapping
Species with genomic mapping
Genomic mapping is available for the following 713 species:
About genomic mapping
RNAcentral imports genome locations from Ensembl, LNCipedia, miRBase, and other Expert Databases. In addition, sequences are mapped to the reference genomes downloaded from Ensembl and Ensembl Genomes using blat.
Data access
RNAcentral sequences can be viewed in their genomic context using a genome browser powered by IGV.
IGV offers various navigation and zooming features, allowing users to explore genomic regions by clicking and dragging with the mouse, utilizing zoom buttons, or entering specific coordinates in the search box for quick navigation. It also provides extra customization options, including the ability to modify color schemes, track configurations (heights, visibility, etc.), and export views in SVG format.
The genomic coordinates of the RNAcentral entries can be downloaded in BED format from the FTP site or through the REST API.
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