About RNAcentral

RNAcentral is a free, public resource that offers integrated access to a comprehensive and up-to-date set of non-coding RNA sequences provided by a collaborating group of Expert Databases representing a broad range of organisms and RNA types.

The development of RNAcentral is coordinated by European Bioinformatics Institute and is supported by Wellcome. Initial funding was provided by BBSRC.

Webinar recorded on September 21st, 2023.

Data integration

RNAcentral imports ncRNA sequences from multiple databases and enables integrated text search, sequence similarity search, bulk downloads, and programmatic data access.

Stable identifiers

RNAcentral assigns unique identifiers to every distinct sequence and supports species-specific identifiers for referring to sequences in specific organisms. More →

Genomic mapping

The sequences are mapped to reference genomes from more than 250 species using blat. You can use a genome browser to browse all mapped sequences, view individual sequences in their genomic context, or download genome coordinates in several formats. More →

Functional annotations

We import modified nucleotides from Modomics and PDB, miRNA targets from TarBase, and Gene Ontology annotations from QuickGO. All sequences are annotated with Rfam models to provide warnings and additional information. We also provide secondary structure diagrams for a wide range of RNA types.

Database growth

Hover over the chart to see the number of sequences in each release


Want to learn more?

Explore all RNAcentral training materials, including research papers, an online training course, and a video walkthrough of the website.