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Homo sapiens (human) hsa-miR-320a-3p URS00003CF1AD_9606

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hsa-mir-320a: The overexpression of hsa-mir-320a (MIMAT0000510) (P = 0.045), has-miR-338-3p (MIMAT0000763) (P = 0.0063), and has-miR-431-5p (MIMAT0001625) (P = 0.0065) has been associated with overall survival (OS) in patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) [PMC9922557]. A study investigated the effect of transfection with hsa-mir-320a mimics on the migration response of decidualized human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) cultured in extracellular matrix (ECM) derived from low-quality embryos or empty control medium [PMC7398623]. The aim was to determine if hsa-mir-320a mimics could enhance the migration response of hESCs in these conditions [PMC7398623]. References: [PMC9922557] - Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Zhang, X., Liang, H., Liang, W., ... & Wang, W. (2021). Identification and validation of a microRNA signature as a prognostic biomarker for colorectal cancer. Frontiers in Oncology, 11. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.692692 [PMC7398623] - Wang, H., Wang, Y., & Zhang, X. (2020). Hsa‐mir‐320a enhances migration response of decidualized human embryonic stem cells cultured on extracellular matrix derived from low‐quality embryos by targeting E2F1 and SP1 genes: A potential role for improving endometrial receptivity during implantation window. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 235(5), 4312–4325. doi: 10.1002/jcp.29311

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This sequence is found in 21 other species

  1. Bos taurus (cattle) bta-miR-320a
  2. Canis lupus familiaris (dog) cfa-miR-320
  3. Capra hircus chi-miR-320-3p
  4. Cavia porcellus Cpo-Mir-320_3p (mature (guide))
  5. Cricetulus griseus cgr-miR-320a
  6. Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo) Dno-Mir-320_3p (mature (guide))
  7. Echinops telfairi Ete-Mir-320_3p (mature (guide))
  8. Gorilla gorilla gorilla ggo-miR-320a (MIR320A)
  9. Gorilla gorilla (western gorilla) ggo-miR-320a
  10. Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey) mml-miR-320a
  11. Microcebus murinus (gray mouse lemur) mmr-miR-320a
  12. Mus musculus mmu-miR-320-3p
  13. Nomascus leucogenys (northern white-cheeked gibbon) nle-miR-320a
  14. Oryctolagus cuniculus (rabbit) Ocu-Mir-320_3p (mature (guide))
  15. Otolemur garnettii oga-miR-320a
  16. Pan paniscus ppa-miR-320a
  17. Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee) ptr-miR-320a
  18. Papio hamadryas (hamadryas baboon) pha-miR-320a
  19. Pongo pygmaeus (Bornean orangutan) ppy-miR-320a
  20. Pteropus alecto pal-miR-320-3p
  21. Rattus norvegicus rno-miR-320-3p