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Bos taurus (cattle) bta-miR-338 URS000075B45F_9913

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bta-mir-338: Bta-mir-338 is a differentially expressed miRNA that has been identified as a regulator of heat shock proteins HSP27 and HSP70 [PMC6317189]. In addition to bta-mir-338, bta-mir-182 and bta-mir-183 were also found to be differentially expressed, with bta-mir-182 and bta-mir-183 being up-regulated in the L group compared to the H group [PMC6317189]. Bta-mir-338, on the other hand, was up-regulated in the H group compared to the L group [PMC6317189]. These miRNAs are predicted to modulate the expression of multiple genes involved in various pathways [PMC6317189]. Bta-mir-182, bta-mir-183, and bta-mir-338 have been found to have numerous target genes in bovine muscle tissue [PMC6317189]. These miRNAs are associated with a significant number of canonical pathways, with 161 pathways being regulated by bta-mir-182, 112 pathways by bta-mir-183, and 61 pathways by bta-miR-338 [PMC6317189]. Bovine homologs of these miRNAs have also been identified. Bovine homologs for 13 miRNAs were found, including two reverse-stranded homologs (bta-miR196a and btmamr338) and eleven forward-stranded homologs [PMC9459146]. Furthermore, other studies have shown that these miRNAs (btmamr182, btamr183, btamr338) regulate gene expression levels associated with various pathways [PMC7140828]. In one study on bovine endometrial tissue during the estrous cycle, it was found that bta-mir-338 was increased at day 7 compared to day 3 [PMC4156418]. Overall, bta-mir-338, along with bta-mir-182 and bta-mir-183, plays a role in regulating gene expression and is involved in multiple pathways in bovine tissues [PMC6317189][PMC9459146][PMC7140828][PMC4156418].

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