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Anopheles funestus-like sensu Spillings et al. (2009) tRNA-Met secondary structure diagram

Anopheles funestus-like sensu Spillings et al. (2009) tRNA-Met URS0000572BCA_2763070

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This sequence is found in 48 other species

  1. Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito) tRNA-Met
  2. Anopheles culicifacies tRNA-Met
  3. Anopheles funestus tRNA-Met
  4. Anopheles longipalpis tRNA-Met
  5. Anopheles maculatus tRNA-Met
  6. Anopheles minimus tRNA-Met
  7. Anopheles parensis tRNA-Met
  8. Anopheles sp. NFL-2015 tRNA-Met
  9. Anopheles stephensi (Asian malaria mosquito) tRNA-Met
  10. Anopheles vaneedeni tRNA-Met
  11. Archisepsis discolor tRNA-Met
  12. Bactrocera correcta (guava fruit fly) tRNA-Met
  13. Chamaepsila rosae tRNA-Met
  14. Chrysops dissectus tRNA-Met
  15. Chrysops sp. tRNA-Met
  16. Chymomyza costata tRNA-Met
  17. Clinotanypus yani tRNA-Met
  18. Culex pipiens pallens tRNA-Met
  19. Drosophila affinis tRNA-Met
  20. Drosophila algonquin tRNA-Met
  21. Drosophila athabasca tRNA-Met
  22. Drosophila biarmipes tRNA-Met
  23. Drosophila bifasciata tRNA-Met
  24. Drosophila bipectinata tRNA-Met
  25. Drosophila burlai tRNA-Met
  26. Drosophila eugracilis tRNA-Met
  27. Drosophila ficusphila tRNA-Met
  28. Drosophila guanche tRNA-Met
  29. Drosophila gunungcola tRNA-Met
  30. Drosophila kikkawai tRNA-Met
  31. Drosophila malerkotliana tRNA-Met
  32. Drosophila melanogaster mitochondrial transfer RNA:Methionine-CAT (Dmel_CR34062)
  33. Drosophila santomea tRNA-Met
  34. Drosophila subobscura tRNA-Met
  35. Drosophila suzukii tRNA-Met
  36. Drosophila takahashii tRNA-Met
  37. Drosophila teissieri tRNA-Met
  38. Drosophila yakuba tRNA
  39. Glossina morsitans morsitans tRNA
  40. Hemipenthes neimengguensis tRNA-Met
  41. Hermetia illucens tRNA-Met
  42. Microsepsis sp. ACMJ-2016 tRNA-Met
  43. Onthophagus rorarius tRNA-Met
  44. Rhagio tringarius tRNA-Met
  45. Sciomyza simplex tRNA-Met
  46. Taxigramma karakulensis tRNA-Met
  47. Tinda javana tRNA-Met
  48. Xylophagus ater tRNA-Met
2D structure