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Homo sapiens (human) hsa-miR-199a-5p URS0000554A4F_9606

mRNA interactions 18 total

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This sequence is found in 36 other species

  1. Capra hircus (goat) chi-miR-199a-5p
  2. Cavia porcellus cpo-miR-199-5p
  3. Cervus elaphus cel-miR-199a-5p
  4. Columba livia cli-miR-199-5p
  5. Cricetulus griseus cgr-miR-199a
  6. Cyprinus carpio ccr-miR-199-5p
  7. Danio rerio (zebrafish) dre-miR-199-5p
  8. Dasypus novemcinctus dno-miR-199-5p
  9. Eptatretus burgeri (inshore hagfish) Ebu-Mir-199-P6_5p (mature (guide))
  10. Equus caballus eca-miR-199a-5p
  11. Gallus gallus gga-miR-199-5p
  12. Gorilla gorilla gorilla ggo-miR-199a (MIR199A)
  13. Gorilla gorilla (western gorilla) ggo-miR-199a
  14. Hippoglossus hippoglossus hhi-miR-199a
  15. Ictalurus punctatus ipu-miR-199a-5p
  16. Lagothrix lagotricha lla-miR-199a
  17. Lepisosteus oculatus (spotted gar) Loc-Mir-199-P2-v1_5p (mature (co-guide))
  18. Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey) mml-miR-199a
  19. Macaca nemestrina (pig-tailed macaque) mne-miR-199a
  20. Mus musculus (house mouse) mmu-miR-199a-5p
  21. Ophiophagus hannah oha-miR-199c-5p
  22. Oryctolagus cuniculus (rabbit) ocu-miR-199a-5p
  23. Ovis aries (sheep) miscellaneous RNA
  24. Pan paniscus ppa-miR-199a
  25. Pan troglodytes ptr-miR-199a-5p
  26. Petromyzon marinus pma-miR-199a-5p
  27. Pongo pygmaeus (Bornean orangutan) ppy-miR-199a
  28. Rattus norvegicus rno-miR-199a-5p
  29. Saguinus labiatus sla-miR-199a
  30. Salmo salar ssa-miR-199a-5p
  31. Sus scrofa ssc-miR-199a-5p
  32. Takifugu rubripes (torafugu) fru-miR-199
  33. Tetraodon nigroviridis tni-miR-199
  34. Tor tambroides (Thai mahseer) miR-199-5p
  35. Tursiops truncatus (common bottlenose dolphin) miR-199a
  36. Xenopus tropicalis xtr-miR-199a-5p