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Homo sapiens (human) hsa-miR-431-5p URS000043908D_9606

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hsa-mir-431: Hsa-mir-431 is a microRNA that has been studied in various contexts. It has been shown to inhibit the migration and invasion of trophoblastic cells, potentially contributing to the onset of preeclampsia [PMC7646902]. It is negatively correlated with GATA3 and ASCL1, two transcription factors involved in colorectal cancer [PMC8777518]. Hsa-mir-431 has also been found in human breast milk and colostrum [PMC8787201]. It binds to the mRNA of the human RTL1 gene, along with other microRNAs [PMC8787201]. The expression of hsa-mir-431 has been found to be dysregulated in various conditions, such as hepatitis C viral replication and colorectal cancer [PMC5352919] [PMC6299360] [PMC7565861]. It has also been implicated in neurogenesis, immune response, and cell differentiation processes [PMC9040239]. Hsa-mir-431 is involved in regulatory modules that interact with other microRNAs in colorectal cancer [PMC5949053]. However, it was not profiled or filtered out in a plasma miRNA dataset for colorectal cancer prognosis prediction [PMC5981448]. The expression of hsa-mir-431 was measured along with other microRNAs as a potential biomarker for various conditions such as preeclampsia and colorectal cancer. RNU48 and cel-miR-39 were used as internal and external controls, respectively.

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This sequence is found in 9 other species

  1. Bos taurus Bta-Mir-431_5p (mature (co-guide))
  2. Canis lupus familiaris Cfa-Mir-431_5p (mature (co-guide))
  3. Cavia porcellus cpo-miR-431-5p
  4. Echinops telfairi Ete-Mir-431_5p (mature (co-guide))
  5. Macaca mulatta mml-miR-431
  6. Mus musculus mmu-miR-431-5p
  7. Pan troglodytes ptr-miR-431
  8. Pongo pygmaeus ppy-miR-431
  9. Rattus norvegicus rno-miR-431