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Trichomalopsis sarcophagae tRNA-OTHER secondary structure diagram

Trichomalopsis sarcophagae tRNA-OTHER URS000040844E_543379

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This sequence is found in 81 other species

  1. Acanthoscelides obtectus hypothetical protein
  2. Acromyrmex echinatior (Panamanian leaf-cutter ant) tRNA-Ile
  3. Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle) transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon UAU)
  4. Amyelois transitella (Naval orange worm) tRNA-Ile
  5. Anthonomus grandis grandis transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon UAU)
  6. Aphidius gifuensis (Parasitoid wasp) tRNA-Ile
  7. Apis dorsata tRNA-Ile
  8. Apis florea tRNA-Ile
  9. Apis mellifera tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1)
  10. Aromia moschata tRNA-Ile
  11. Athalia rosae tRNA-Ile
  12. Atta cephalotes tRNA LOC105616927
  13. Bactrocera dorsalis tRNA-Ile
  14. Bactrocera latifrons (Solanum fruit fly) tRNA-Ile
  15. Bactrocera tryoni tRNA-Ile
  16. Bicyclus anynana (Squinting bush brown) tRNA-Ile
  17. Bombus huntii (Hunt's bumblebee) transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon UAU)
  18. Bombus terrestris tRNA LOC110119902
  19. Bombus vancouverensis nearcticus (Montane Bumble Bee) tRNA-Ile
  20. Bombyx mandarina (Wild silkworm) tRNA-Ile
  21. Bombyx mori tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-2 1 to 3)
  22. Callosobruchus chinensis (azuki bean weevil) hypothetical protein
  23. Camponotus floridanus tRNA-Ile
  24. Cataglyphis hispanica (Desert ant) transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon UAU)
  25. Ceratitis capitata (Mediterranean fruit fly) tRNA-Ile
  26. Chelonus insularis (Parasitoid wasp) tRNA-Ile
  27. Copidosoma floridanum (Parasitoid wasp) tRNA-Ile
  28. Cotesia glomerata (White butterfly parasite wasp) tRNA-Ile
  29. Cryptotermes secundus tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1)
  30. Culex quinquefasciatus (Southern house mosquito) tRNA-Ile
  31. Diabrotica virgifera virgifera transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon UAU)
  32. Drosophila ananassae tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1, tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-2)
  33. Drosophila erecta tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1)
  34. Drosophila grimshawi tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1, tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-2)
  35. Drosophila gunungcola tRNA-OTHER
  36. Drosophila melanogaster transfer RNA:Isoleucine-TAT 1-1 (Dmel_CR32480, Dmel_CR32481)
  37. Drosophila mojavensis tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1, tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-2)
  38. Drosophila persimilis tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1)
  39. Drosophila pseudoobscura pseudoobscura tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1)
  40. Drosophila sechellia tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1, tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-2)
  41. Drosophila simulans tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1, tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-2)
  42. Drosophila virilis tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1, tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-2)
  43. Drosophila willistoni tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1 1 to 4)
  44. Drosophila yakuba tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1, tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-2)
  45. Dufourea novaeangliae (Bee) tRNA-Ile
  46. Eufriesea mexicana (Bee) tRNA-Ile
  47. Eumeta japonica tRNA-Ile
  48. Exocentrus adspersus tRNA-Ile
  49. Frieseomelitta varia (marmelada) tRNA-Ile
  50. Galleria mellonella (Greater wax moth) tRNA-Ile
  51. Harpegnathos saltator tRNA-Ile
  52. Helicoverpa armigera (Cotton bollworm) transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon UAU)
  53. Helicoverpa zea tRNA-Ile
  54. Hermetia illucens tRNA-Ile
  55. Leguminivora glycinivorella tRNA-Ile
  56. Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle) tRNA-Ile
  57. Linepithema humile (Argentine ant) tRNA-Ile
  58. Lucilia cuprina (Australian sheep blowfly) tRNA-Ile
  59. Manduca sexta tRNA-Ile
  60. Megachile rotundata (Alfalfa leafcutting bee) tRNA-Ile
  61. Molorchus minor tRNA-Ile
  62. Monomorium pharaonis (Pharaoh ant) tRNA-Ile
  63. Musca domestica tRNA MDOA002743
  64. Nasonia vitripennis (Jewel wasp) tRNA-Ile
  65. Neodiprion lecontei tRNA-Ile
  66. Neodiprion pinetum tRNA-Ile
  67. Ooceraea biroi (Clonal raider ant) tRNA-Ile
  68. Orussus abietinus (Parasitic wood wasp) tRNA-Ile
  69. Pararge aegeria tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1 1 to 4)
  70. Pectinophora gossypiella (Pink bollworm) transfer RNA isoleucine (anticodon UAU)
  71. Pogonomyrmex barbatus tRNA-Ile
  72. Polistes canadensis (Red paper wasp) tRNA-Ile
  73. Polistes dominula tRNA-Ile
  74. Polistes fuscatus (Common paper wasp) tRNA-Ile
  75. Rhagoletis pomonella (Apple magot fly) tRNA-Ile
  76. Rhamnusium bicolor tRNA-Ile
  77. Spodoptera frugiperda tRNA-Ile (TAT) (tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-1, tRNA-Ile-TAT-1-2)
  78. Stomoxys calcitrans (Stable fly) tRNA-Ile
  79. Trichogramma pretiosum (Parasitoid wasp) tRNA-Ile
  80. Venturia canescens (Endoparasitoid wasp) tRNA-Ile
  81. Zerene cesonia (Southern Dogface) tRNA-Ile
2D structure