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Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) rno-miR-221-3p URS0000170CF4_10116

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rno-mir-221: Rno-mir-221 is a microRNA that has been studied in various contexts. In a study by Roth et al, it was found that rno-mir-221, along with rno-miR-222, rno-miR-25, and rno-miR-26b, showed differential expression between rats with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and control rats [PMC4838149]. Additionally, in DHT-treated ovaries, rno-mir-221 was found to be highly abundant along with other miRNAs such as rno-miR-222 and rno-miR-26b [PMC3682887]. Furthermore, microRNA profiling has identified rno-mir-221 as being associated with cardiac hypertrophy [PMC5856749]. In terms of target genes, it has been reported that twelve miRNAs including rno-mir-221 have experimentally validated targets [PMC3682887]. Overall, these studies highlight the importance of rno-mir-221 in various biological processes and its potential role as a biomarker or therapeutic target.

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This sequence is found in 51 other species

  1. Alligator mississippiensis ami-miR-221-3p
  2. Anolis carolinensis Aca-Mir-221-P2a_3p (mature (guide))
  3. Bos taurus (cattle) Bta-Mir-221-P2a_3p (mature (guide))
  4. Canis lupus familiaris Cfa-Mir-221-P2a_3p (mature (guide))
  5. Capra hircus (goat) miR-221
  6. Cavia porcellus cpo-miR-221-3p
  7. Cervus elaphus (red deer) cel-miR-221
  8. Columba livia Cli-Mir-221-P2a_3p (mature (guide))
  9. Cricetulus griseus (Chinese hamster) cgr-miR-221-3p
  10. Danio rerio dre-miR-221-3p
  11. Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo) dno-miR-221-3p
  12. Daubentonia madagascariensis dma-miR-221
  13. Echinops telfairi Ete-Mir-221-P2a_3p (mature (guide))
  14. Equus caballus (horse) eca-miR-221
  15. Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod) Gmo-Mir-221-P2a1_3p (mature (guide))
  16. Gallus gallus (chicken) gga-miR-221-3p
  17. Gekko japonicus Gja-Mir-221-P2a_3p (mature (guide))
  18. Gorilla gorilla gorilla ggo-miR-221 (MIR221)
  19. Gorilla gorilla ggo-miR-221
  20. Haplochromis burtoni (Burton's mouthbrooder) abu-miR-221
  21. Homo sapiens (human) hsa-miR-221-3p
  22. Latimeria chalumnae Lch-Mir-221-P2a_3p (mature (guide))
  23. Lepisosteus oculatus Loc-Mir-221-P2a_3p (mature (guide))
  24. Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey) mml-miR-221-3p
  25. Maylandia zebra (zebra mbuna) mze-miR-221
  26. Microcebus murinus mmr-miR-221
  27. Monodelphis domestica (gray short-tailed opossum) mdo-miR-221-3p
  28. Monopterus albus Mal-Mir-221-P2a1_3p (mature (guide))
  29. Mus musculus (house mouse) mmu-miR-221-3p
  30. Neolamprologus brichardi (lyretail cichlid) nbr-miR-221
  31. Nomascus leucogenys nle-miR-221
  32. Ophiophagus hannah (king cobra) oha-miR-221-3p
  33. Oreochromis niloticus oni-miR-221
  34. Oryctolagus cuniculus ocu-miR-221-3p
  35. Oryzias latipes ola-miR-221
  36. Otolemur garnettii (small-eared galago) oga-miR-221
  37. Ovis aries miscellaneous RNA
  38. Pan paniscus ppa-miR-221
  39. Pan troglodytes ptr-miR-221
  40. Papio hamadryas (hamadryas baboon) pha-miR-221
  41. Pongo pygmaeus ppy-miR-221
  42. Pundamilia nyererei pny-miR-221
  43. Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis (Bolivian squirrel monkey) sbo-miR-221
  44. Sarcophilus harrisii (Tasmanian devil) Sha-Mir-221-P2a_3p (mature (guide))
  45. Sphenodon punctatus (tuatara) Spt-Mir-221-P2a_3p (mature (guide))
  46. Taeniopygia guttata tgu-miR-221-3p
  47. Takifugu rubripes (torafugu) fru-miR-221
  48. Tetraodon nigroviridis (spotted green pufferfish) tni-miR-221
  49. Tor tambroides (Thai mahseer) miR-221-3p
  50. Xenopus laevis Xla-Mir-221-P2a4_3p (mature (guide))
  51. Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog) xtr-miR-221