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Drosophila yakuba tRNA-Gln (CTG) (tRNA-Gln-CTG-3-1) secondary structure diagram

Drosophila yakuba tRNA-Gln (CTG) (tRNA-Gln-CTG-3-1) URS00000A9F58_7245

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This sequence is found in 17 other species

  1. bacterium tRNA-Gln
  2. Dallia pectoralis tRNA-OTHER
  3. Drosophila erecta tRNA-Gln (CTG) (tRNA-Gln-CTG-3-1)
  4. Drosophila ficusphila tRNA
  5. Drosophila guanche tRNA.Gln
  6. Drosophila gunungcola tRNA-OTHER
  7. Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) transfer RNA:Glutamine-CTG 3-1 (Dmel_CR31940)
  8. Drosophila persimilis tRNA-Gln (CTG) (tRNA-Gln-CTG-2-1)
  9. Drosophila pseudoobscura pseudoobscura tRNA-Gln (CTG) (tRNA-Gln-CTG-2-1)
  10. Drosophila sechellia tRNA-Gln (CTG) (tRNA-Gln-CTG-3-1)
  11. Drosophila simulans tRNA-Gln (CTG) (tRNA-Gln-CTG-3-1)
  12. Gadus morhua tRNA-Gln (CTG) (tRNA-Gln-CTG-6-1, tRNA-Gln-CTG-6-2)
  13. Lineus longissimus (Bootlace worm) misc RNA ENSLLNG00015026364.1
  14. Mizuhopecten yessoensis (Yesso scallop) tRNA-Gln
  15. Mya arenaria (Soft-shell clam) transfer RNA glutamine (anticodon CUG)
  16. Priapulus caudatus tRNA-Gln
  17. Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon) tRNA
2D structure