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Tupaia chinensis (Chinese tree shrew) tRNA secondary structure diagram

Tupaia chinensis (Chinese tree shrew) tRNA URS000047EBB5_246437

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This sequence is found in 60 other species

  1. Acanthisitta chloris tRNA
  2. Ailuropoda melanoleuca tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1, tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-2)
  3. Amazona aestiva tRNA
  4. Amphimedon queenslandica (Demosponge) tRNA-Ser
  5. Anas platyrhynchos tRNA
  6. Balaenoptera acutorostrata scammoni tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  7. Bos taurus tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  8. Callipepla squamata (scaled quail) tRNA
  9. Callorhinchus milii tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1, tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-2)
  10. Calypte anna tRNA
  11. Camelus ferus (Wild Bactrian camel) tRNA
  12. Cavia porcellus tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1, tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-2)
  13. Ceratotherium simum simum tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1 1 to 3)
  14. Chelonia mydas tRNA
  15. Chelydra serpentina tRNA-Ser
  16. Chrysemys picta bellii tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  17. Colinus virginianus (northern bobwhite) tRNA
  18. Corvus brachyrhynchos tRNA
  19. Cricetulus griseus tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  20. Cuculus canorus (common cuckoo) tRNA
  21. Dendronephthya gigantea tRNA-Ser
  22. Eptesicus nilssonii tRNA-Ser
  23. Equus caballus tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  24. Erinaceus europaeus tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  25. Felis catus tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1 1 to 4)
  26. Ficedula albicollis tRNA
  27. Fukomys damarensis tRNA
  28. Geospiza fortis tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1, tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-3, tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-4)
  29. Gigantopelta aegis (Deep sea snail) tRNA-Ser
  30. Homo sapiens tRNA-Ser (anticodon GCT) 1-1 (TRS-GCT1-1)
  31. Ictidomys tridecemlineatus tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  32. Lamprotornis superbus tRNA-OTHER
  33. Larimichthys crocea tRNA
  34. Loxodonta africana tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1 1 to 5)
  35. Macaca mulatta tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  36. Manacus vitellinus tRNA
  37. Marmota monax (woodchuck) tRNA.Ser
  38. Megalops atlanticus tRNA-Ser
  39. Mesocricetus auratus (golden hamster) tRNA
  40. Microcebus murinus tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1, tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-2)
  41. Myotis brandtii tRNA
  42. Myotis davidii tRNA
  43. Neotoma lepida (desert woodrat) tRNA
  44. Nomascus leucogenys tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  45. Ochotona princeps tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1 1 to 3)
  46. Ophiophagus hannah tRNA
  47. Ornithorhynchus anatinus tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  48. Oryctolagus cuniculus tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1 1 to 5)
  49. Ovis aries tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  50. Podarcis lilfordi tRNA.Ser
  51. Procavia capensis tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-2-1)
  52. Pteropus alecto tRNA
  53. Rattus norvegicus tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  54. Sphaerodactylus townsendi tRNA-Ser
  55. Struthio camelus australis tRNA
  56. Sus scrofa tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1 1 to 4)
  57. Taeniopygia guttata tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1 1 to 3)
  58. Tinamus guttatus tRNA
  59. Tursiops truncatus tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
  60. Vicugna pacos tRNA-Ser (GCT) (tRNA-Ser-GCT-1-1)
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