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Rhinopithecus bieti (Black snub-nosed monkey) mitochondrially encoded tRNA-Met (AUA/G) (ENSRBIG00000000009.1) secondary structure diagram

Rhinopithecus bieti (Black snub-nosed monkey) mitochondrially encoded tRNA-Met (AUA/G) (ENSRBIG00000000009.1) URS000006E464_61621

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This sequence is found in 29 other species

  1. Cloning vector pRS316-1B9 tRNA-Met
  2. Colobus guereza tRNA-Met
  3. Homo sapiens mitochondrially encoded tRNA-Met (AUA/G) (MT-TM)
  4. Homo sapiens neanderthalensis neanderthalensis transfer RNA-Met
  5. Hylobates lar (common gibbon) transfer RNA-Met
  6. Hylobates muelleri tRNA-Met
  7. Pan paniscus mitochondrially encoded tRNA-Met (AUA/G) (ENSPPAG00000000009.1)
  8. Pan troglodytes tRNA-Met
  9. Pan troglodytes ellioti tRNA-Met
  10. Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii tRNA-Met
  11. Pan troglodytes troglodytes tRNA-Met
  12. Pan troglodytes ellioti tRNA-Met
  13. Pan troglodytes verus tRNA-Met
  14. Piliocolobus badius (western red colobus) tRNA-Met
  15. Plecotus auritus tRNA-Met
  16. Plecotus macrobullaris tRNA-Met
  17. Pongo abelii (Sumatran orangutan) tRNA (ENSPPYG00000020948.1)
  18. Presbytis sp. Pres2 tRNA-Met
  19. Pygathrix nemaeus (Red shanked douc langur) tRNA-Met
  20. Rhinopithecus bieti 1 RL-2012 tRNA-Met
  21. Rhinopithecus bieti 2 RL-2012 tRNA-Met
  22. Trachypithecus barbei tRNA-Met
  23. Trachypithecus germaini (Indochinese lutung) tRNA-Met
  24. Trachypithecus hatinhensis tRNA-Met
  25. Trachypithecus laotum (Laotian langur) tRNA-Met
  26. Trachypithecus obscurus tRNA-Met
  27. Trachypithecus phayrei tRNA-Met
  28. Trachypithecus pileatus tRNA-Met
  29. Trachypithecus shortridgei (Shortridge's langur) tRNA-Met
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