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Homo sapiens (human) cancer/testis associated transcript 75 (CT75) URS0000A7644B_9606

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CT75: CT75 is a classical long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) that has been found to be upregulated in certain diseases and is negatively correlated with overall survival in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) [PMC7444085]. It has also been identified as one of the lncRNAs that separate into a distinct group in the Candida tropicalis species [PMC8041210]. In addition, CT75 has been associated with overall survival and disease-free survival in colorectal cancer patients [PMC9374325]. Furthermore, CT75 is one of the lncRNAs included in the CAFDL signature, which is used to calculate a risk score for cancer patients [PMC9374325]. The term "CT75" is also used to refer to different stimuli levels and time points in various experiments, such as circadian time 75 (CT75) [PMC7197390] and different time points for TMT-labeling experiments [PMC6078164]. CT75 has also been studied in relation to its effects on cell viability and gene expression. It has been shown that treatment with GT75, an aptamer targeting eEF1A1 mRNA, specifically reduces cell viability compared to control treatment with CT75 [PMC9027132]. Furthermore, knockdown of eEF1A1 prevents further reductions in cell viability by GT75, confirming the functional role of eEF1A1 in GT75-mediated effects on cell viability [PMC9027132]. In addition to its role in cancer and gene expression studies, CT75 has also been associated with feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), where it was found that one cat presented a chronic form of FIP characterized by severe symptoms including stunting of growth and impaired cardiac function [PMC6435921]. References: - PMC7444085 - PMC8041210 - PMC9374325 - PMC7197390 - PMC6078164 - PMC9027132 - PMC6435921

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