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Canis lupus familiaris (dog) cfa-miR-486 URS00007E492E_9615

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cfa-mir-486: Cfa-mir-486 is a microRNA that is downregulated in influenza B (Victoria lineage) virus-infected MDCK cells, as shown in a study [PMC6893747]. In another study, a cmiRNA panel was enriched with cfa-mir-486, along with other miRNAs, due to its stability in serum [PMC9951723]. This panel was selected using next-generation sequencing (NGS) [PMC9951723]. Mapping clean tags to the genome of Canis familiaris identified 241 known miRNAs, including cfa-mir-486, cfa-miR-92a, cfa-miR-191, cfa-miR-451, and cfa-miR-25 as highly abundant miRNAs [PMC9854737]. Additionally, other miRNAs such as cfa-miR-18a and cfa-mir-486 were found to be highly expressed in the study [PMC9032658]. In another experiment involving different groups, the expression of miRNAs including cfa-mir-486 was found to be highest [PMC9617701]. This high expression of cfa-mir-486 was consistent across all experimental groups in the study [PMC9617701]. References: [PMC6893747] - Study demonstrating upregulation of cfa-miR-183 and downregulation of cfa-mir-486 in influenza B virus-infected MDCK cells. [PMC9951723] - Study discussing the enrichment of a selected panel with stable miRNAs such as cmiRNA. [PMC9854737] - Study identifying highly abundant miRNAs including known ones like 92a and 191. [PMC9032658] - Study identifying highly expressed miRNAs including ones like 18a and mir-486. [PMC9617701] - Study showing high expression of miRNAs including mir-486 across different experimental groups.

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