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Homo sapiens (human) microRNA hsa-mir-613 precursor secondary structure diagram

Homo sapiens (human) microRNA hsa-mir-613 precursor URS000075EF41_9606

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MIR613: MIR613 is a microRNA that has been identified in various studies. It has been found to be associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in cancer cells [PMC8126782]. In addition, MIR613 has been found to be hypermethylated in cells treated with 27-hydroxycholesterol (27-HC) [PMC8961300]. This hypermethylation at the promoter region of MIR613 leads to the biogenesis of miR-613 [PMC8961300]. The hypermethylation of MIR613 is believed to be involved in the transcriptional activation of miR-613 biogenesis [PMC8961300]. The expression of MIR613 has been found to be up-regulated in CNS tumors, despite its reported role as a tumor suppressor in glioma progression [PMC8235499]. Furthermore, there is evidence of an interaction between HOTAIR and MIR613 in pancreatic cancer [PMC5464837]. The role and function of MIR613 are complex and may vary depending on the specific context. It is worth noting that further studies are needed to fully understand the mechanisms and implications of MIR613 dysregulation.

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