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Homo sapiens (human) long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 2273 (LINC02273) URS000075D0B8_9606

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LINC02273: LINC02273 is a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) that has been found to be significantly elevated in metastatic lesions of breast cancer (BC) tissue [PMC7854648]. Increased expression of LINC02273 has been shown to promote BC metastasis through the recruitment of the hnRNPL-LINC02273 complex to the AGR2 promoter region [PMC7854648]. Additionally, LINC02273 has been found to drive breast cancer metastasis by epigenetically upregulating AGR2 [PMC8963933]. These findings suggest that LINC02273 may serve as a potential therapeutic target in BC [PMC8817111]. Further research is needed to identify other transcription regulators that may bind to LINC02273 and enhance AGR2 expression [PMC6921600]. Since LINC02273 is primarily localized in the nucleus, it is reasonable to expect that it could interact with components in the nuclear compartment, such as proteins, RNAs, or chromatin [PMC8817111]. Mechanistic studies have revealed that LINC02273 is stabilized through its interaction with hnRNPL [PMC6921600]. This interaction plays a crucial role in the function and regulation of LINC02273. In conclusion, LINC02273 is an important lncRNA involved in breast cancer metastasis and upregulation of AGR2 expression. Understanding its role and interactions with other components could potentially lead to the development of targeted therapies for breast cancer.

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