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Homo sapiens (human) long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 930 (LINC00930) URS000075B26A_9606

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LINC00930: LINC00930 is a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) that has been found to play a role in regulating gene expression. Experimental evidence has shown that LINC00930 physically interacts with two proteins, RBBP5 and GCN5, suggesting its involvement in protein-protein interactions [PMC8867671]. Additionally, the use of pharmacological inhibitors of histone methylation and acetylation has been shown to reduce the luciferase activity of PFKFB3, a gene that LINC00930 is believed to regulate [PMC8867671]. Knockdown of LINC00930 has also been found to decrease the levels of H3K4me3 and H3K9ac, two histone modifications associated with gene activation, at the promoter region of PFKFB3 [PMC8867671]. Furthermore, analysis of cancer tissues from the TCGA HNSC dataset has revealed that the expression level of LINC00930 is significantly increased in cancer tissues compared to adjacent non-tumor tissues [PMC8867671]. To investigate its role in gene regulation further, siRNAs targeting LINC00930 and other proteins involved in its interactions (PFKFB3, RBBP5, GCN5) were used [PMC8867671]. Overall, these findings suggest that LINC00930 may function as a regulatory RNA molecule involved in protein-protein interactions and histone modifications to regulate gene expression. Further research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms and potential implications in cancer development and progression.

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