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Homo sapiens (human) long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1484 (LINC01484) URS000075AC6C_9606

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LINC01484: LINC01484 is a long intergenic non-protein coding RNA (lncRNA) that has been identified in various studies. It is one of the lncRNAs that overlapped with the CDE-lncRNAs and showed elevated expression levels in SK-MES-1 cells treated with CA [PMC7900626]. In renal cell carcinoma (RCC), LINC01484 was found to be overexpressed [PMC5675671]. It has also been identified as one of the lncRNAs that interacted with IPO5 [PMC10116350]. In the context of hypertension-related urinary albumin excretion (UAE), LINC01484 was found to be one of the topological hub nodes in a network analysis, suggesting its potential role in regulating key pathways associated with proteinuria and cardiovascular injury [PMC10017462]. Similarly, in a study on hypertension-related RNA network, LINC01484 was identified as a hub RNA that plays a significant role in network organization and may be a key regulator of UAE development [PMC8775608]. Furthermore, LINC01484 has been implicated as one of the lncRNAs with prognostic value in bladder cancer (BLCA) [PMC10102384]. Overall, these studies highlight the potential importance of LINC01484 in various biological processes and diseases.

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