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Sus scrofa (pig) ssc-miR-500-5p URS000039A052_9823

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ssc-mir-500: Ssc-mir-500 is a microRNA that has been found to be potentially commonly regulated by miRNAs in various studies [PMC8851844]. One study found that ssc-mir-500 showed increased expression at 10 dpi and decreased expression at 50 dpi, along with other miRNAs, potentially regulating IL17F/IL17RC [PMC8851844]. Another study found that ssc-mir-500 might target IL12RB1 at 10 dpi and IL13, with a slight decrease in expression at 25 dpi [PMC8851844]. Ssc-mir-500 has also been associated with various biological processes. It has been linked to the host inflammatory response along with other miRNAs such as ssc-miR-122 and ssc-miR-127 [PMC6354428]. Ssc-mir-500 has also been involved in immune cell differentiation, B cell ontogeny, production of protective antibodies, host protective responses, and parasite growth [PMC6354428]. Inhibition of host T cell differentiation by ssc-mir-500 has also been observed [PMC6354428]. In terms of skeletal muscle growth, maternal low protein diets have been shown to decrease the expression of ssc-miR-136 and ssc-mir-500 [PMC5075561]. However, the regulatory pathway for the decreased expression of these miRNAs is not yet clear [PMC7923233].

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This sequence is found in 8 other species

  1. Bos taurus bta-miR-500
  2. Capra hircus (goat) chi-miR-500-5p
  3. Equus caballus eca-miR-500
  4. Homo sapiens hsa-miR-500a-5p
  5. Macaca mulatta mml-miR-500b-5p
  6. Pan troglodytes ptr-miR-500
  7. Pongo pygmaeus (Bornean orangutan) ppy-miR-500
  8. Pteropus alecto pal-miR-500-5p