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Bos taurus (cattle) bta-miR-497 URS00002AE1D6_9913

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bta-mir-497: Bta-mir-497 is a microRNA that has been identified as dysregulated in bovine serum in response to Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) infection [PMC5384155]. It is one of the 19 miRNAs that were found to potentially target different regions of the FMDV A24 Cruzeiro RNA genome [PMC5384155]. Bta-mir-497 is located on chromosome 19 in the Bos taurus genome [PMC5384155]. In response to FMDV infection, bta-mir-497 was found to be up-regulated, along with other miRNAs such as bta-miR-17-5p, bta-miR-144, and bta-miR-22-5p [PMC5384155]. These dysregulated miRNAs have been previously associated with cellular proliferation or apoptosis [PMC5384155]. Bta-mir-497 was also found to be significantly up-regulated in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation in a different study [PMC7943879]. The expression of bta-mir-497 was increased after acute stress as well [PMC3436641]. The microarray results were validated using mimic bta-mir-497 synthesized by miScript Primer Assays and quantitative RT-qPCR was performed to measure its expression level [PMC3436641]. References: [PMC5384155] - [PMC7943879] - [PMC3436641] -

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This sequence is found in 12 other species

  1. Cavia porcellus (domestic guinea pig) cpo-miR-497-5p
  2. Cervus elaphus (red deer) cel-miR-497
  3. Cricetulus griseus (Chinese hamster) cgr-miR-497-5p
  4. Homo sapiens Hsa-Mir-15-P1d_5p (mature (guide))
  5. Macaca mulatta Mml-Mir-15-P1d_5p (mature (guide))
  6. Microcebus murinus mmr-miR-497
  7. Mus musculus (house mouse) mmu-miR-497a-5p
  8. Oryctolagus cuniculus ocu-miR-497-5p
  9. Pan troglodytes ptr-miR-497
  10. Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) rno-miR-497-5p
  11. Tupaia chinensis (Chinese tree shrew) tch-miR-497-5p
  12. Tursiops truncatus miR-497