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Latimeria chalumnae tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-1, tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-2) secondary structure diagram

Latimeria chalumnae tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-1, tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-2) URS000029CCC5_7897

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This sequence is found in 249 other species

  1. Acanthisitta chloris tRNA
  2. Acanthoscelides obtectus hypothetical protein
  3. Acinetobacter baumannii tRNA-Phe
  4. Aethina tumida (Small hive beetle) transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  5. Agrilus planipennis tRNA-Phe
  6. Ailuropoda melanoleuca tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 9)
  7. Albula glossodonta (roundjaw bonefish) tRNA-OTHER
  8. Albula goreensis tRNA-Phe
  9. Alligator mississippiensis tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 3)
  10. Alligator sinensis tRNA
  11. Alosa alosa tRNA-Phe
  12. Amazona aestiva tRNA
  13. Ameiurus melas tRNA-Phe
  14. Amphimedon queenslandica tRNA-Phe
  15. Amyelois transitella (Naval orange worm) tRNA-Phe
  16. Anas platyrhynchos tRNA
  17. Anguilla anguilla tRNA-Phe
  18. Anolis carolinensis tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  19. Anthonomus grandis grandis (Boll weevil) transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  20. Aptenodytes forsteri tRNA
  21. Araneus ventricosus tRNA-Phe
  22. Aromia moschata tRNA-Phe
  23. Astyanax mexicanus tRNA
  24. Ataeniobius toweri tRNA-Phe
  25. Balaenoptera acutorostrata scammoni tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  26. Balearica regulorum gibbericeps tRNA
  27. Bicyclus anynana tRNA-Phe
  28. Biomphalaria glabrata (Bloodfluke planorb) tRNA tRNA-Phe
  29. Biomphalaria pfeifferi tRNA-Phe
  30. Blattella germanica tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 14)
  31. Bombyx mandarina (Wild silkworm) tRNA-Phe
  32. Bombyx mori tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-1, tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-2)
  33. Bos taurus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 6)
  34. Caerostris darwini tRNA-Phe
  35. Caerostris extrusa tRNA-Phe
  36. Callipepla squamata tRNA
  37. Callithrix jacchus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  38. Callorhinchus milii tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-1, tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-2)
  39. Callosobruchus analis hypothetical protein
  40. Callosobruchus chinensis hypothetical protein
  41. Calypte anna (Anna's hummingbird) tRNA
  42. Camelus ferus tRNA
  43. Canis lupus familiaris tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
  44. Cariama cristata tRNA
  45. Carlito syrichta tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-1, tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-2)
  46. Cathartes aura (turkey vulture) tRNA
  47. Cavia porcellus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  48. Centruroides sculpturatus tRNA-Phe
  49. Ceratotherium simum simum tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  50. Chaetura pelagica tRNA
  51. Characodon lateralis tRNA-Phe
  52. Charadrius vociferus tRNA
  53. Chelonia mydas (green seaturtle) tRNA
  54. Chelydra serpentina tRNA-Phe
  55. Chlamydotis macqueenii tRNA
  56. Chlorocebus sabaeus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 7)
  57. Choloepus hoffmanni tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 6)
  58. Chrysemys picta bellii tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 3)
  59. Cimex lectularius tRNA-Phe
  60. Cinara cedri tRNA.Phe
  61. Colinus virginianus (northern bobwhite) tRNA
  62. Colius striatus tRNA
  63. Columba livia tRNA
  64. Cordylochernes scorpioides tRNA-Phe
  65. Corvus brachyrhynchos (American crow) tRNA
  66. Crenichthys baileyi tRNA-Phe
  67. Cricetulus griseus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  68. Cryptotermes secundus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 3)
  69. Daktulosphaira vitifoliae (Grape phylloxera) transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  70. Dallia pectoralis tRNA-Phe
  71. Danaus plexippus plexippus tRNA
  72. Danionella translucida tRNA-Phe
  73. Danio rerio tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 44)
  74. Daphnia galeata transfer RNA
  75. Daphnia magna tRNA-Phe
  76. Daphnia pulex tRNA-Phe for anticodon GAA
  77. Daphnia pulicaria (Water flea) tRNA-Phe
  78. Dasypus novemcinctus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 6)
  79. Dermacentor andersoni transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  80. Dermacentor silvarum transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  81. Diabrotica virgifera virgifera transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  82. Dicentrarchus labrax transfer RNA-Phe
  83. Dipodomys ordii tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 7)
  84. Dryococelus australis tRNA-OTHER
  85. Echinops telfairi tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
  86. Egretta garzetta tRNA
  87. Equus caballus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 6)
  88. Erinaceus europaeus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
  89. Eschrichtius robustus tRNA-Phe
  90. Eumeta japonica tRNA-Phe
  91. Eurypyga helias (sunbittern) tRNA
  92. Exocentrus adspersus tRNA-Phe
  93. Felis catus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  94. Ficedula albicollis tRNA
  95. Fukomys damarensis (Damara mole-rat) tRNA
  96. Fulmarus glacialis tRNA
  97. Galendromus occidentalis (Western predatory mite) tRNA-Phe
  98. Galleria mellonella (Greater wax moth) tRNA-Phe
  99. Gallus gallus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 3)
  100. Gasterosteus aculeatus tRNA
  101. Gavia stellata tRNA
  102. Geospiza fortis tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-1)
  103. Gorilla gorilla gorilla tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
  104. Haemaphysalis longicornis (Longhorned tick) tRNA-Phe for anticodon GAA
  105. Haliaeetus albicilla (white-tailed eagle) tRNA
  106. Heliconius melpomene (Postman butterfly) tRNA HMEL008167
  107. Helicoverpa armigera transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  108. Helicoverpa zea (Corn earworm) tRNA-Phe
  109. Heterocephalus glaber tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  110. Hippoglossus stenolepis (Pacific halibut) tRNA-Phe
  111. Homalodisca vitripennis (Glassy winged sharpshooter) tRNA-Phe
  112. Homo sapiens tRNA-Phe (anticodon GAA) 1-1 (TRF-GAA1 1 to 6)
  113. Hyalomma asiaticum (Tick) tRNA-Phe for anticodon GAA
  114. Ictidomys tridecemlineatus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 7)
  115. Ixodes persulcatus tRNA-Phe for anticodon GAA
  116. Ixodes scapularis tRNA-Phe for anticodon GAA
  117. Lamprotornis superbus tRNA-OTHER
  118. Larimichthys crocea tRNA
  119. Leguminivora glycinivorella (Soybean pod borer) tRNA-Phe
  120. Lepisosteus oculatus (spotted gar) tRNA
  121. Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Colorado potato beetle) tRNA-Phe
  122. Leptosomus discolor tRNA
  123. Limnoperna fortunei (Golden mussle) misc RNA ENSLFOG00000078462.1
  124. Lineus longissimus (Bootlace worm) misc RNA ENSLLNG00015023872.1
  125. Lonchura striata domestica (Bengalese finch) tRNA
  126. Lottia gigantea tRNA-Phe for anticodon GAA
  127. Loxodonta africana tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  128. Macaca mulatta tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-1, tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 3 to 7)
  129. Macrosteles quadrilineatus (Aster leafhopper) transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  130. Manacus vitellinus tRNA
  131. Manduca sexta (Tobacco hornworm) tRNA-Phe
  132. Marmota monax (woodchuck) tRNA.Phe
  133. Megalops atlanticus (tarpon) tRNA-Phe
  134. Meleagris gallopavo tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 3)
  135. Melitaea cinxia (Glanville fritillary) misc RNA ENSMCXG00005023414.1
  136. Melopsittacus undulatus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-1, tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-2)
  137. Merluccius polli tRNA-Phe
  138. Mesocricetus auratus tRNA
  139. Microcebus murinus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  140. Mitosporidium daphniae tRNA
  141. Mizuhopecten yessoensis tRNA-Phe
  142. Molorchus minor tRNA-Phe
  143. Monodelphis domestica tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 9)
  144. Mus caroli tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  145. Mus musculus castaneus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  146. Mus musculus domesticus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  147. Mus musculus musculus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  148. Mus musculus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  149. Mus pahari tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 6)
  150. Mus spretus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  151. Mustela putorius furo tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 6)
  152. Myotis brandtii tRNA
  153. Myotis davidii tRNA
  154. Myotis lucifugus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
  155. Neotoma lepida tRNA
  156. Nephila pilipes (giant wood spider) tRNA-Phe
  157. Nestor notabilis tRNA
  158. Nilaparvata lugens (Brown planthopper) tRNA-Phe
  159. Nipponia nippon (crested ibis) tRNA
  160. Nomascus leucogenys tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
  161. Nothobranchius furzeri tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  162. Ochotona princeps tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
  163. Octopus bimaculoides tRNA-Phe
  164. Octopus sinensis tRNA-Phe
  165. Ophiophagus hannah tRNA
  166. Opisthocomus hoazin tRNA
  167. Oreochromis niloticus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 7)
  168. Ornithorhynchus anatinus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 7)
  169. Oryctolagus cuniculus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 7)
  170. Oryzias latipes tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
  171. Otolemur garnettii tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  172. Ovis aries tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 6)
  173. Pangasianodon gigas (Mekong giant catfish) tRNA-Phe
  174. Pangasianodon hypophthalmus tRNA-Phe
  175. Pangasius djambal tRNA-Phe
  176. Pan troglodytes tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  177. Papilio machaon tRNA
  178. Papilio xuthus tRNA
  179. Papio anubis tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 7)
  180. Pararge aegeria tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1-1)
  181. Parasteatoda tepidariorum (Common house spider) tRNA-Phe
  182. Patagioenas fasciata monilis tRNA
  183. Patella pellucida (Blue-rayed limpet) misc RNA ENSDPLG00005026894.1
  184. Patella vulgata (Common limpet) misc RNA ENSPVUG00005026978.1
  185. Pectinophora gossypiella transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  186. Pediculus humanus corporis tRNA tRNA-Phe
  187. Pelobates cultripes (western spadefoot toad) tRNA.Phe
  188. Pelodiscus sinensis tRNA
  189. Perca flavescens tRNA-Phe
  190. Perca fluviatilis tRNA-Phe
  191. Phaethon lepturus tRNA
  192. Phrynosoma platyrhinos tRNA-OTHER
  193. Dryobates pubescens tRNA
  194. Pleuronectes platessa (European plaice) tRNA-Phe
  195. Podarcis lilfordi tRNA.Phe
  196. Poecilia formosa tRNA
  197. Pollicipes pollicipes tRNA-Phe
  198. Pomacea canaliculata (Apple snail) tRNA-Phe
  199. Pongo abelii tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  200. Priapulus caudatus tRNA-Phe
  201. Procavia capensis tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  202. Pteropus alecto (black flying fox) tRNA
  203. Pygoscelis adeliae (Adelie penguin) tRNA
  204. Rattus norvegicus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  205. Rhipicephalus microplus tRNA-Phe
  206. Rhipicephalus sanguineus tRNA-Phe
  207. Rhodnius prolixus tRNA tRNA-Phe
  208. Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 5)
  209. Salmo salar tRNA
  210. Sarcophilus harrisii tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 6)
  211. Schistocerca americana (American grasshopper) tRNA-Phe
  212. Schistocerca cancellata (South American locust) transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  213. Schistocerca gregaria (Grasshoppers) transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  214. Schistocerca nitens (Vagrant locust) transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  215. Schistocerca piceifrons (Central American locust) tRNA-Phe
  216. Schistocerca serialis cubense (Grasshoppers) transfer RNA phenylalanine (anticodon GAA)
  217. Scleropages formosus tRNA
  218. Sipha flava tRNA-Phe
  219. Sitophilus oryzae (Rice weevil) tRNA-Phe
  220. Sorex araneus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
  221. Sphaerodactylus townsendi tRNA-Phe
  222. Spodoptera frugiperda tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 12)
  223. Stegodyphus dumicola tRNA-Phe
  224. Stegodyphus mimosarum (African social velvet spider) tRNA-Phe for anticodon GAA
  225. Struthio camelus australis tRNA
  226. Sus scrofa tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 7)
  227. Taeniopygia guttata tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
  228. Takifugu rubripes tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-2 1 to 10)
  229. Tetraodon nigroviridis tRNA
  230. Tinamus guttatus tRNA
  231. Tribolium castaneum tRNA-Phe for anticodon GAA
  232. Trichechus manatus latirostris tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
  233. Trichonephila clavata tRNA-Phe
  234. Trichonephila clavipes tRNA-Phe
  235. Trichonephila inaurata madagascariensis (Nephila madagascariensis) tRNA-Phe
  236. Tropilaelaps mercedesae tRNA
  237. Trypanosoma vivax Y486 tRNA
  238. Tupaia chinensis (Chinese tree shrew) tRNA
  239. Tursiops truncatus tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
  240. Tyto alba tRNA
  241. Varroa destructor (Honeybee mite) tRNA-Phe
  242. Varroa jacobsoni (Varroa mite) tRNA-Phe
  243. Vibrio parahaemolyticus tRNA-Phe
  244. Vicugna pacos tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 6)
  245. Xenopus laevis tRNA
  246. Xenopus tropicalis tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 46)
  247. Xiphophorus maculatus tRNA
  248. Zerene cesonia (Southern Dogface) tRNA-Phe
  249. Zootermopsis nevadensis tRNA-Phe (GAA) (tRNA-Phe-GAA-1 1 to 4)
2D structure Publications