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Homo sapiens (human) long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 1491 (LINC01491) URS000019547E_9606

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LINC01491: LINC01491 is a long intergenic noncoding RNA (lncRNA) gene that has been implicated in the pathogenesis of primary pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) [PMC10121214]. A study using the UK Biobank cohort conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) and identified 15 linked variants in the LINC01491 gene associated with PAH [PMC10121214]. These findings contribute to the growing literature on lncRNAs and their role in PAH pathogenesis [PMC10121214]. The identified variants were located in the intergenic region of LINC01491 [PMC10121214]. Further studies are needed to confirm the role of LINC01491 in PAH pathogenesis and explore its potential as a biomarker or therapeutic target [PMC10121214]. Although LINC01491 has not been extensively studied, other lncRNAs have been implicated in PAH, such as lncRNA H19, which shows promise as a biomarker for disease severity and a potential therapeutic target [PMC10121214]. Additionally, LINC01491 was identified as one of 16 genes that were replicated in both males and females from whole-genome bisulfite sequencing analyses and were also found to be associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in multiple epigenetic studies of post-mortem brain tissue [PMC7559201]. In conclusion, LINC01491 is an lncRNA gene that has been linked to primary pulmonary arterial hypertension. Further research is needed to fully understand its role in disease pathogenesis and its potential clinical applications.

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