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Homo sapiens (human) microRNA hsa-mir-196a precursor (hsa-mir-196a-2) URS00000D6378_9606

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MIR196A2: MIR196A2 is a non-coding RNA gene that has been implicated in various clinical symptoms [PMC5363543]. The rs11614913 C allele in MIR196A2 has been found to be associated with infertility and increased pain severity [PMC5363543]. In a study, BACs on three different chromosomes were identified, including MIR196A2, which is associated with lower limb development [PMC4041413]. However, SNP rs7372209 in MIR26A1 was not found to be associated with any clinical symptoms [PMC5363543].

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This sequence is found in 30 other species

  1. Canis lupus dingo (dingo) microRNA 196a-2 (ENSCAFG00020020656.1)
  2. Canis lupus familiaris miRNA (ENSCAFG00000020562.2, ENSCAFG00030018942.1, ENSCAFG00040020368.1, ENSCAFG00845018320.1)
  3. Carlito syrichta miRNA (ENSTSYG00000029728.1)
  4. Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo) microRNA 196a-2 (ENSDNOG00000028210.1)
  5. Equus asinus asinus microRNA 196a-2 (ENSEASG00005010144.1)
  6. Equus asinus microRNA 196a-2 (ENSEASG00005010144.2)
  7. Equus caballus microRNA 196a-2 (ENSECAG00000026361.2)
  8. Felis catus (domestic cat) microRNA 196a-2 (ENSFCAG00000021927.3)
  9. Gorilla gorilla gorilla microRNA mir-196-2 (MIR196-2)
  10. Gorilla gorilla microRNA ggo-mir-196 precursor (ggo-mir-196-2)
  11. Lynx canadensis (Canada lynx) microRNA 196a-2 (ENSLCNG00005007196.1)
  12. Macaca fascicularis (Crab-eating macaque) microRNA 196a-2 (ENSMFAG00000004428.2)
  13. Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey) microRNA mml-mir-196a precursor (mml-mir-196a-2)
  14. Macaca nemestrina miRNA (ENSMNEG00000016982.1)
  15. Mandrillus leucophaeus miRNA (ENSMLEG00000009645.1)
  16. Mustela putorius furo (Domestic ferret) microRNA 196a-2 (ENSMPUG00000021968.1)
  17. Neogale vison (American mink) microRNA 196a-2 (ENSNVIG00000002301.1)
  18. Nomascus leucogenys microRNA 196a-2 (ENSNLEG00000024124.2)
  19. Otolemur garnettii (small-eared galago) miRNA (ENSOGAG00000017341.1)
  20. Pan paniscus (pygmy chimpanzee) microRNA ppa-mir-196 precursor
  21. Panthera leo microRNA 196a-2 (ENSPLOG00000004831.1)
  22. Panthera pardus microRNA 196a-2 (ENSPPRG00000014391.1)
  23. Panthera tigris altaica microRNA 196a-2 (ENSPTIG00000001869.1)
  24. Pan troglodytes microRNA ptr-mir-196a precursor (ptr-mir-196a-2)
  25. Papio anubis miRNA (ENSPANG00000000744.3)
  26. Pongo abelii microRNA 196a-2 (ENSPPYG00000022081.2)
  27. Pongo pygmaeus microRNA ppy-mir-196 precursor (ppy-mir-196-2)
  28. Suricata suricatta (meerkat) microRNA 196a-2 (ENSSSUG00005010021.1)
  29. Theropithecus gelada microRNA 196a-2 (ENSTGEG00000009762.1)
  30. Ursus thibetanus thibetanus microRNA 196a-2 (ENSUTTG00000003150.1)
  31. Vulpes vulpes (red fox) microRNA 196a-2 (ENSVVUG00000028198.1)