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Bos taurus (cattle) bta-miR-339a URS00000BEB26_9913

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bta-mir-339a: Bta-mir-339a is a microRNA that is targeted in the BCL gene family members [PMC7541945]. It was identified as one of the eight miRNAs with functions related to mastitis in an analysis of the RNA-Seq dataset [PMC8928958]. The target genes of bta-mir-339a were found to be enriched for 10 significant pathways, including the MAPK signaling pathway [PMC6637853]. Differential hubbing analysis revealed that bta-mir-339a is one of the top five negative regulators, with more connections in a specific group [PMC6637853]. Bta-mir-339a and FRAT1 were identified as top negatively hubbed genes for OA, associated with glycogen synthase kinase-3 binding protein and Wnt signaling pathway [PMC6637853]. In bovine mammary epithelial cell culture, bta-mir-339a was negatively associated with lactogenic differentiation [PMC10000098]. The target genes of bta-mir-339a were found to be enriched for 10 significant pathways, including the MAPK signaling pathway [PMC10000098]. In healthy cows compared to at-risk cows, bta-mir-339a was downregulated in both H_ARM and H_SCM pairwise comparisons [PMC10000098]. References: [PMC7541945] - [PMC8928958] - [PMC6637853] - [PM10000098] -

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This sequence is found in 4 other species

  1. Cervus elaphus cel-miR-339
  2. Mus musculus (house mouse) Mus_musculus piRNA piR-mmu-8223939
  3. Sus scrofa ssc-miR-339-5p
  4. Tursiops truncatus miR-339