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Homo sapiens (human) hsa-miR-1289 URS0000030489_9606

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hsa-miR-1289: Hsa-mir-1289 is a miRNA that has been studied in various contexts. In one study, mimics of hsa-mir-1289 were cotransfected with reporter plasmids, and it was found that hsa-mir-1289 could bind to the 3'UTR region of the MTHFR gene [PMC4505847]. Furthermore, hsa-mir-1289 was found to significantly suppress luciferase expression in the presence of a specific haplotype [PMC4505847]. In another study, survival analysis showed that hsa-mir-1289 was one of the key miRNAs associated with a significantly lower overall survival rate [PMC8544338]. The expression levels of hsa-mir-1289 were also found to be downregulated in certain cells [PMC6235008]. These findings suggest that hsa-mir-1289 may play a role in gene regulation and could potentially be used as a prognostic marker. However, further research is needed to fully understand the functional significance of hsa-mir-1289 and its potential implications in various diseases and conditions.

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This sequence is found in 3 other species

  1. Equus caballus (horse) eca-miR-1289
  2. Pan troglodytes ptr-miR-1289
  3. Pongo pygmaeus (Bornean orangutan) ppy-miR-1289