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Homo sapiens (human) MPP7 divergent transcript (MPP7-DT) URS00009C60AC_9606

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MPP7-DT: MPP7-DT is a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) that is expressed to a great extent in human bladder cancer tissues [PMC9715909]. In a study, PCAT7, UBE2Q1-AS1, LINC01184 (SLC12A2-DT), MPP7-DT, and FAM87B were found to be expressed at high levels in human bladder cancer tissues [PMC9715909]. These lncRNA genes were selected for experimental verification in both bladder cancer tissues and normal bladder tissues [PMC9715909]. The up-regulated lncRNA genes in the prediction model included LINC01184, AL731537.1, AL390236.1, MPP7-DT, and FAM87B [PMC9715909]. Through multivariate cox regression analysis, nine lncRNA genes were identified for inclusion in a predictive signature: PCAT7, LINC01184 (SLC12A2-DT), BX546450.2, AL731537.1, AL390236.1, AC021321.1 MPP7-DT FAM87B and UBE2Q1-AS1 [PMC9715909]. In the high-risk group of bladder cancer patients, LINCO1184 AL731537.1 AL390236.1 AC112721.2 MPP7-DT and FAM87B were up-regulated while PCAT7 BX546450.2 AC021321.1 UBE2Q1-AS were down-regulated according to the heat map of the expression profiles of candidate lncRNAs [PMC9715909]. Reference: [PMC9715909]

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