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Sus scrofa (pig) lin-4 microRNA precursor URS000062858F_9823

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This sequence is found in 2 other species

  1. Callithrix jacchus lin-4 microRNA precursor
  2. Cavia porcellus lin-4 microRNA precursor
  3. Chlorocebus sabaeus lin-4 microRNA precursor
  4. Fukomys damarensis lin-4 microRNA precursor
  5. Gorilla gorilla gorilla lin-4 microRNA precursor
  6. Heterocephalus glaber lin-4 microRNA precursor
  7. Homo sapiens lin-4 microRNA precursor
  8. Macaca mulatta lin-4 microRNA precursor
  9. Marmota monax non-coding RNA
  10. Nomascus leucogenys lin-4 microRNA precursor
  11. Oryctolagus cuniculus lin-4 microRNA precursor
  12. Otolemur garnettii lin-4 microRNA precursor
  13. Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee) lin-4 microRNA precursor
  14. Papio anubis lin-4 microRNA precursor
  15. Pongo abelii (Sumatran orangutan) lin-4 microRNA precursor
  16. Ictidomys tridecemlineatus lin-4 microRNA precursor
  17. Tupaia chinensis (Chinese tree shrew) lin-4 microRNA precursor