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Apis mellifera (honey bee) ame-bantam-3p URS00006116AC_7460

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ame-bantam-3p: Ame-bantam-3p is a highly expressed miRNA in honeybees, and its functional activities may extend beyond metamorphosis [PMC8532292]. Through a luciferase assay, it has been shown that ame-bantam-3p positively regulates the expression of megf8, a gene involved in larval-pupal development [PMC10054489]. This finding is supported by bioinformatic analysis and a dual-luciferase reporter assay [PMC10054489]. The expression pattern of ame-bantam-3p is consistent with that of megf8, with both peaking in the larval stage and decreasing in the prepupal stage [PMC10054489]. The downregulation of ame-bantam-3p in the prepupal stage may contribute to the generation of a peak in 20E levels and the cessation of growth [PMC10054489]. Injections of ame-bantam-3p agomir into larvae resulted in an increased number of proliferating fat body cells, indicating its role in promoting systemic growth [PMC10054489]. The mRNA level of megf8 follows a similar pattern to that of ame-bantam-3p, suggesting their functional relationship during honeybee development [PMC10054489]. Overall, high levels of ame-bantam-3p contribute to maintaining low 20E titers and promoting systemic growth during early larval stages, while reduced activity during the prepupal stage leads to an increase in 20E levels and cessation of growth [PMC10054489].

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This sequence is found in 14 other species

  1. Blattella germanica Bge-Bantam_3p (mature (guide))
  2. Centruroides sculpturatus Csc-Bantam-P16_3p (mature (guide))
  3. Daphnia magna Dma-Bantam_3p (mature (guide))
  4. Daphnia pulex (common water flea) dpu-bantam
  5. Dinoponera quadriceps dqu-bantam-3p
  6. Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) Drosophila_melanogaster piRNA piR-dme-1142084
  7. Hyalella azteca miR-81
  8. Ixodes ricinus (castor bean tick) iri-miR-bantam-3p
  9. Ixodes scapularis (black-legged tick) isc-bantam
  10. Limulus polyphemus (Atlantic horseshoe crab) Lpo-Bantam-P10_3p (mature (guide))
  11. Nasonia vitripennis nvi-bantam
  12. Parasteatoda tepidariorum (common house spider) pte-bantam-3p
  13. Tribolium castaneum (red flour beetle) tca-bantam-3p
  14. Triops cancriformis tcf-bantam