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Drosophila pseudoobscura pseudoobscura (Fruit fly) miRNA FBtr0330793_df_nrg URS00003674BD_46245

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This sequence is found in 20 other species

  1. Aedes aegypti aae-miR-981
  2. Bactrocera dorsalis (oriental fruit fly) bdo-miR-981
  3. Blattella germanica (German cockroach) Bge-Mir-76_3p (mature (guide))
  4. Cochliomyia hominivorax mature cho-miR-981
  5. Cochliomyia macellaria (secondary screw-worm) mature cma-miR-981
  6. Culex quinquefasciatus cqu-miR-981
  7. Daphnia magna Dma-Mir-76_3p (mature (guide))
  8. Daphnia pulex dpu-miR-981
  9. Dinoponera quadriceps dqu-miR-981-3p
  10. Drosophila ananassae Dan-Mir-76_3p (mature (guide))
  11. Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) dme-miR-981-3p
  12. Drosophila mojavensis Dmo-Mir-76_3p (mature (guide))
  13. Drosophila pseudoobscura dps-miR-981-3p
  14. Drosophila simulans Dsi-Mir-76_3p (mature (guide))
  15. Drosophila virilis dvi-miR-981-3p
  16. Drosophila yakuba Dya-Mir-76_3p (mature (guide))
  17. Heliconius melpomene (postman butterfly) hme-miR-981
  18. Manduca sexta mse-miR-981
  19. Polistes canadensis pca-miR-981-3p
  20. Tribolium castaneum tca-miR-981