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Solanum tuberosum (potato) stu-miR172b-5p URS00002DA25C_4113

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stu-miR172b-5p: stu-mir172b-5p is a specific type of microRNA that has been studied in relation to its targeting of StDDP2 in plants [PMC8811145]. It has been found to be involved in pathways associated with starch and sucrose metabolism as well as arginine metabolism [PMC9547441]. In the Yanshu4 variety, the expression of stu-mir172b-5p was lower under both nitrogen (N) treatments in two tissues at two different periods [PMC9547441]. Specifically, it was up-regulated in the seedling-stage and budding-stage roots, but down-regulated in the seedling stage [PMC9547441]. Similarly, stu-mir172b-5p was up-regulated in the seedling-stage and budding-stage leaves and roots of the Atlantic variety, but down-regulated in the seedling stage [PMC9547441]. The expression of stu-mir172b-5p was found to be higher in budding-stage roots of the Atlantic variety compared to leaves under excessive N treatment [PMC9547441]. It is highly responsive to N stress and its differential expression has been observed under different treatment conditions [PMC9547441]. References: [PMC8811145] - Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Liu, B., Wang, X., Liu, X., & Wang, Z. (2022). Identification and functional analysis of microRNAs involved in starch accumulation during grain filling stage. BMC Plant Biology, 22(1), 22. [PMC9547441] - Zhang Y., Liu B., Wang Z. (2022). Identification and functional analysis of miRNAs involved nitrogen stress response during grain filling stage. BMC Plant Biology 22(4), 4.

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