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Oryza sativa (Asian cultivated rice) osa-miR167h-3p URS00002D3B5E_4530

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osa-miR167h-3p: Osa-mir167h-3p is a common miRNA that shows preferential expression in fungal-infected resistant genotypes [PMC7662745]. It is suggested to be regulated under abiotic or biotic stresses [PMC4723043]. In a study, the expression levels of the target gene XPB2 were authenticated for six miRNAs, including osa-mir167h-3p, and the expected opposing expression relationship was observed between osa-mir167h-3p and its target gene MSH-like [PMC8472271]. In another study, up-regulation of osa-mir167h-3p in female meiosis was negatively correlated with the expression of MCM9 and RPA2C, which are genes related to meiosis [PMC5295217]. Protein-protein interaction analysis showed that MCM9 has a relationship with RPA2C (predicted by osa-mir167h-3p) and RPA2B [PMC5295217]. Additionally, two genes associated with meiosis were identified: LOC_Os06g47830 (RPA2C) predicted by osa-mir167h-3p and LOC_Os12g20324 (CYCA1;3) predicted by PC-5p-896126_17 [PMC5295217]. RPA2C and RPA2B encoded replication proteins A2C and A2B respectively, which interacted with other genes involved in meiosis such as LOC_Os06g11500 [PMC5295217]. References: [PMC7662745] - [PMC4723043] - [PMC8472271] - [PMC5295217] -

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This sequence is found in 1 other species

  1. Oryza sativa Japonica Group (Japanese rice) microRNA osa-miR167h-3p