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Sus scrofa (pig) ssc-miR-153 URS000022A692_9823

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ssc-mir-153: Ssc-mir-153 is a specific type of microRNA that has been identified in Large White pigs and is believed to play a role in the physiology or development of backfat tissue [PMC3280305]. A Venn diagram analysis revealed that ssc-mir-153 is one of the five microRNAs shared among four different groups [PMC9622794]. In a study comparing different groups, ssc-mir-153 was found to be one of the five most up-regulated microRNAs in one group and down-regulated in another group [PMC9622794]. Additionally, ssc-mir-153 was identified as one of the significant differentially methylated regions (DMRs) related to various genes, including THEMIS, FAM227B, U6, ADCY9, IFT172, RNF144A, VXN, LMX1A, KIFC3, TMEM126B, RAPGEF5, XPO4, ITM2B KIF2B ULK2 CLSTN2 ROPN1L FOXI1 NOL4L [PMC7961483]. In another study focusing on thalamus cells and acute H-R stress conditions in pigs. ssc-mir-153 was among the 17 microRNAs that showed evidence of differential expression after stress exposure [PMC9674649]. Overall these findings suggest that ssc-mir-153 may have important roles in various physiological processes and stress responses.

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This sequence is found in 10 other species

  1. Canis lupus familiaris cfa-miR-153
  2. Chrysemys picta cpi-miR-153-3p
  3. Gallus gallus (chicken) gga-miR-153-3p
  4. Gorilla gorilla gorilla ggo-miR-153 (MIR153)
  5. Gorilla gorilla ggo-miR-153
  6. Macaca mulatta mml-miR-153-3p
  7. Macaca nemestrina (pig-tailed macaque) mne-miR-153
  8. Mus musculus (house mouse) Mus_musculus piRNA piR-mmu-48725510
  9. Pongo pygmaeus microRNA mir-153-1
  10. Xenopus tropicalis xtr-miR-153