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Ovis aries (sheep) microRNA oar-mir-21 precursor URS00000E1351_9940

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oar-mir-21: Oar-mir-21 is a known miRNA that has been validated in various studies [PMC4657999]. It has been found to be differentially expressed in sheep-related diseases and is worth further investigation in the context of seasonal reproduction [PMC9464909]. Oar-mir-21 has also been identified as a target of other miRNAs in competitive endogenous RNA networks [PMC9464909]. Additionally, it has been reported to be highly expressed in ovine ovarian follicles and is differentially regulated between different photoperiods [PMC4287553] [PMC9428447]. Oar-mir-21, along with other miRNAs, has been found to be unique to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and not stromal cells, suggesting its involvement in immune mechanisms [PMC6893480]. It is highly expressed in the lungs of sheep with lesions and may serve as an indicator of lesion severity or a potential therapeutic target for lung diseases [PMC6339376]. Oar-mir-21, along with other miRNAs, may also have implications for host-virus interactions [PMC6339376] [PMC9344810]. The expression of oar-mir-21 has been validated using qPCR and its upregulation confirmed in diseased animals compared to seronegative animals [PMC6339376]. It is one of the most abundant differentially expressed miRNAs and primarily immune-related among sheep miRNAs [PMC6339376] [PMC7070426]. Furthermore, oar-mir-21 has been shown to downregulate reporter fluorescence through interactions with specific 3' UTR sites on various genes such as KLF3, CNKSR2, and TNPO1[ PMC6599667].

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This sequence is found in 31 other species

  1. Ailuropoda melanoleuca (giant panda) microRNA mir-21
  2. Bos taurus (cattle) microRNA bta-mir-21 precursor
  3. Camelus ferus microRNA mir-21
  4. Canis lupus familiaris microRNA mir-21
  5. Capra hircus microRNA mir-21 (ENSCHIG00000009079.1)
  6. Carlito syrichta (Philippine tarsier) miRNA (ENSTSYG00000021414.2)
  7. Castor canadensis (American beaver) miRNA (ENSCCNG00000014105.1)
  8. Cavia porcellus (Domestic guinea pig) microRNA mir-21
  9. Cricetulus griseus (Chinese hamster) microRNA mir-21
  10. Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo) miRNA (ENSDNOG00000027843.1)
  11. Dipodomys ordii microRNA mir-21
  12. Eptesicus fuscus (big brown bat) microRNA mir-21
  13. Equus caballus microRNA eca-mir-21 precursor
  14. Erinaceus europaeus microRNA mir-21
  15. Felis catus microRNA mir-21
  16. Fukomys damarensis microRNA mir-21
  17. Loxodonta africana microRNA 21 (ENSLAFG00000024308.1)
  18. Mesocricetus auratus microRNA mir-21
  19. Microcebus murinus (gray mouse lemur) microRNA 21 (ENSMICG00000018691.3)
  20. Myotis brandtii microRNA mir-21
  21. Myotis davidii microRNA mir-21
  22. Myotis lucifugus miRNA (ENSMLUG00000017895.1)
  23. Otolemur garnettii (small-eared galago) microRNA mir-21
  24. Panthera pardus (leopard) microRNA 21 (ENSPPRG00000014580.1)
  25. Panthera tigris altaica (Tiger) microRNA 21 (ENSPTIG00000001620.1)
  26. Procavia capensis miRNA (ENSPCAG00000019248.1)
  27. Propithecus coquereli (Coquerel's sifaka) miRNA (ENSPCOG00000009155.1)
  28. Pteropus alecto (black flying fox) microRNA mir-21
  29. Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) microRNA mir-21
  30. Sus scrofa microRNA mir-21
  31. Tupaia chinensis (Chinese tree shrew) microRNA mir-21