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Sus scrofa (pig) microRNA ssc-mir-122 precursor URS00000BAFD3_9823

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ssc-mir-122: Ssc-mir-122 is a microRNA that has been found to be differentially expressed during viral infection [PMC10093425]. Analysis of differentially expressed miRNAs revealed negligible or no expression of five miRNAs (ssc-miR-9858-5p, ssc-mir-122, ssc-miR-2366, ssc-miR-145-5p, and ssc-miR-214) from the control group but upregulated expression in the infected group, suggesting that these miRNAs might play key roles during viral infection [PMC10093425]. In PK15 cells, ssc-mir-122 has been shown to repress the protein expression and viral DNA replication of PCV2, a virus that affects pigs [PMC5815207]. Additionally, ssc-mir-122 may down-regulate the expression of NFAT5 and NPEPPS by binding to their 3′ UTR [PMC5815207]. These findings indicate that ssc-mir-122 may play a crucial role in regulating viral infection and influencing the expression of specific genes involved in the immune response [PMC5815207]. Further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms by which ssc-mir-122 functions during viral infection and its potential as a therapeutic target.

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