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Mus musculus (house mouse) microRNA mmu-mir-378a precursor URS00006E5426_10090

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Mmu-Mir-378: Mmu-mir-378 is a differentially expressed miRNA that plays important roles in immune function, signal pathway induction, and nutrition metabolism [PMC4136864]. It has been found to have a target site in the mRNA corresponding to the BCL7A gene [PMC2684643]. Mmu-mir-378 is one of the 10 differentially expressed miRNAs with the highest degree in a network analysis [PMC6833270]. It has also been identified as one of the miRNAs that are upregulated in white adipose tissue (WAT) in response to high-fat diet (HFD) feeding [PMC4571067]. Mmu-mir-378 is downregulated during HFD-induced obesity, which is consistent with previous studies [PMC3319598]. It has been shown to have potential binding sites with the 3'-UTR of Caspase-3 mRNA [PMC5037706]. Mmu-mir-378 is one of the miRNAs that are downregulated in baicalin-treated mice compared with UVB irradiated mice and predicted to be related to DNA repair signaling pathway [PMC3597329]. It has also been identified as one of the dominantly expressed miRNAs in Brucella-infected cells and mock-infected cells [PMC3421232]. Mmu-mir-378 is T3-responsive and its expression can be induced by T3 treatment in primary mouse hepatocytes [PMC7977473]. Overall, mmu-mir-378 plays diverse roles and its expression can be regulated by various factors.

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This sequence is found in 48 other species

  1. Ailuropoda melanoleuca microRNA mir-378
  2. Aotus nancymaae (Ma's night monkey) miRNA (ENSANAG00000006091.1)
  3. Bos taurus microRNA bta-mir-378 precursor (bta-mir-378-1)
  4. Callithrix jacchus microRNA mir-378
  5. Camelus ferus microRNA mir-378
  6. Canis lupus familiaris microRNA mir-378
  7. Capra hircus microRNA mir-378 (ENSCHIG00000001381.1)
  8. Cebus imitator (Panamanian white-faced capuchin) microRNA 378a (ENSCCAG00000008154.1)
  9. Cercocebus atys (Sooty mangabey) miRNA (ENSCATG00000014439.1)
  10. Chinchilla lanigera miRNA (ENSCLAG00000021008.1)
  11. Chlorocebus sabaeus microRNA mir-378
  12. Colobus angolensis palliatus miRNA (ENSCANG00000016624.1)
  13. Cricetulus griseus microRNA mir-378 (ENSCGRG00000021384.1, ENSCGRG00001006212.1)
  14. Dipodomys ordii miRNA (ENSDORG00000022129.2)
  15. Echinops telfairi miRNA (ENSETEG00000021183.1)
  16. Equus caballus microRNA eca-mir-378 precursor
  17. Erinaceus europaeus microRNA mir-378
  18. Felis catus microRNA mir-378
  19. Fukomys damarensis (Damara mole rat) miRNA (ENSFDAG00000002391.1)
  20. Heterocephalus glaber (naked mole-rat) microRNA mir-378
  21. Ictidomys tridecemlineatus (thirteen-lined ground squirrel) miRNA (ENSSTOG00000016716.1)
  22. Macaca mulatta microRNA mml-mir-378a precursor
  23. Macaca nemestrina (Pig-tailed macaque) miRNA (ENSMNEG00000006665.1)
  24. Mandrillus leucophaeus (Drill) miRNA (ENSMLEG00000019859.1)
  25. Mesocricetus auratus (Golden Hamster) microRNA 378a (ENSMAUG00000006588.1)
  26. Microcebus murinus (gray mouse lemur) microRNA 378a (ENSMICG00000035741.2)
  27. Microtus ochrogaster microRNA 378a (ENSMOCG00000007563.1)
  28. Mus caroli (Ryukyu mouse) microRNA 378a (MGP_CAROLIEiJ_G0007602.1)
  29. Mus pahari microRNA 378a (MGP_PahariEiJ_G0006934.1)
  30. Mus spretus (algerian mouse) microRNA 378a (MGP_SPRETEiJ_G0007974.1)
  31. Myotis brandtii microRNA mir-378
  32. Myotis lucifugus (little brown bat) miRNA (ENSMLUG00000018041.1)
  33. Nannospalax galili (Upper Galilee mountains blind mole rat) microRNA 378a (ENSNGAG00000003705.1)
  34. Neotoma lepida (desert woodrat) microRNA mir-378
  35. Octodon degus (Degu) miRNA (ENSODEG00000021812.1)
  36. Oryctolagus cuniculus (rabbit) microRNA mir-378
  37. Ovis aries microRNA mir-378
  38. Panthera pardus microRNA 378a (ENSPPRG00000013672.1)
  39. Panthera tigris altaica miRNA (ENSPTIG00000003138.1)
  40. Papio anubis microRNA mir-378
  41. Procavia capensis miRNA (ENSPCAG00000019108.1)
  42. Propithecus coquereli miRNA (ENSPCOG00000009950.1)
  43. Rattus norvegicus microRNA mir-378
  44. Rhinopithecus bieti (Black snub-nosed monkey) miRNA (ENSRBIG00000014371.1)
  45. Rhinopithecus roxellana (Golden snub-nosed monkey) miRNA (ENSRROG00000009119.1)
  46. Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis (Bolivian squirrel monkey) miRNA (ENSSBOG00000001133.1)
  47. Tupaia chinensis (Chinese tree shrew) microRNA mir-378
  48. Tursiops truncatus miRNA (ENSTTRG00000024143.1)