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Homo sapiens (human) hsa-miR-29a-5p URS0000076995_9606

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hsa-mir-29a: To investigate the physiological role of cell endogenous hsa-mir-29a on HIV-1 replication, we used LNA modified anti-miR29a to downregulate cellular miR29a in HEK293T cells [PMC2635386]. We next either over-expressed or downregulated hsa-mir-29a and hsa-miR-29b to test the effects of these miRNAs on virus replication [PMC2635386].

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This sequence is found in 5 other species

  1. Mus musculus (house mouse) mmu-miR-29a-5p
  2. Ornithorhynchus anatinus (platypus) oan-miR-29a-1-5p
  3. Pteropus alecto pal-miR-29a-5p
  4. Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat) rno-miR-29a-5p
  5. Sus scrofa (pig) ssc-miR-29a-5p