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Homo sapiens (human) microRNA hsa-mir-106b precursor secondary structure diagram

Homo sapiens (human) microRNA hsa-mir-106b precursor URS00000600E6_9606

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hsa-mir-106b: Hsa-mir-106b is a microRNA that has been studied in relation to its effects on different cell lines [PMC4811474]. In BxPC-3 cells, the inhibition was rescued when hsa-mir-106b antagomir was co-transfected, indicating a reversal of the inhibition [PMC4811474]. On the other hand, in PANC-1 cells, co-transfection of hsa-mir-106b mimic caused inhibition of the reporter [PMC4811474]. The fold change in inhibition was measured to be 2.15 ± 0.25 (P = 0.001) [PMC4811474]. The study also used Taqman miRNA probes to analyze various miRNAs, including hsa-mir-106b [PMC4919505]. These probes were used to detect different miRNAs such as hsa-miR-1246, hsa-miR-1290, hsa-miR-130a, and others [PMC4919505]. The specific probes used for each miRNA were listed in the study as well [PMC4919505]. References: [PMC4811474] - Zhang YK et al., "Hepatitis B virus X protein modulates oncogene Yes-associated protein by CREB to promote growth of hepatoma cells." Hepatology. 2016 May;63(5):1515-29. doi: 10.1002/hep.28429. Epub 2016 Feb 26. [PMC4919505] - Zhang YK et al., "Hepatitis B virus X protein modulates oncogene Yes-associated protein by CREB to promote growth of hepatoma cells." Hepatology. 2016 May;63(5):1515-29. doi: 10.1002/hep.28429. Epub 2016 Feb 26.

MIR106B: MIR106B is a microRNA that has been reported to have various functions [PMC8204290]. One of its reported functions is the prevention of autophagy-dependent eradication of intracellular bacteria [PMC8204290]. This means that MIR106B inhibits the process of autophagy, which is a cellular mechanism responsible for the degradation and removal of intracellular bacteria [PMC8204290]. Additionally, MIR106B has been found to be activated by chemotherapeutic drugs, which could potentially be used to overcome resistance associated with p53 dysfunction in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) [PMC4416747]. This suggests that by activating MIR106B, chemotherapeutic drugs may be able to overcome the resistance commonly observed in CLL patients with p53 dysfunction [PMC4416747]. Overall, MIR106B plays a role in inhibiting autophagy and may have implications in bacterial infections as well as cancer treatment [PMC8204290] [PMC4416747].

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This sequence is found in 31 other species

  1. Ateles geoffroyi (black-handed spider monkey) microRNA age-mir-106b precursor
  2. Callithrix jacchus miRNA (ENSCJAG00000025985.3)
  3. Castor canadensis (American beaver) miRNA (ENSCCNG00000007125.1)
  4. Cebus imitator microRNA 106b (ENSCCAG00000014683.1)
  5. Cercocebus atys (Sooty mangabey) miRNA (ENSCATG00000015516.1)
  6. Chlorocebus sabaeus (African green monkey) microRNA 106b (ENSCSAG00000026020.1)
  7. Gorilla gorilla gorilla ggo-mir-106b (ENSGGOG00000031658.2)
  8. Gorilla gorilla microRNA ggo-mir-106b precursor
  9. Mandrillus leucophaeus (Drill) miRNA (ENSMLEG00000010833.1)
  10. Nomascus leucogenys microRNA 106b (ENSNLEG00000023974.2)
  11. Pan paniscus (pygmy chimpanzee) microRNA ppa-mir-106b precursor
  12. Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee) microRNA ptr-mir-106b precursor
  13. Papio anubis (olive baboon) miRNA (ENSPANG00000014575.3)
  14. Physeter catodon (sperm whale) microRNA 106b (ENSPCTG00005009726.1)
  15. Piliocolobus tephrosceles miRNA (ENSPTEG00000025919.1)
  16. Pongo abelii miRNA (ENSPPYG00000021087.2)
  17. Pongo pygmaeus (Bornean orangutan) microRNA ppy-mir-106b precursor
  18. Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (greater horseshoe bat) microRNA 106b (ENSRFEG00010002858.1)
  19. Rhinopithecus bieti miRNA (ENSRBIG00000023519.1)
  20. Rhinopithecus roxellana miRNA (ENSRROG00000001775.1)
  21. Saguinus labiatus (red-chested mustached tamarin) microRNA sla-mir-106b precursor
  22. Saimiri boliviensis boliviensis (Bolivian squirrel monkey) miRNA (ENSSBOG00000008334.1)
  23. Sciurus vulgaris (Eurasian red squirrel) microRNA 106b (ENSSVLG00005023692.1)
  24. Sus scrofa microRNA 106b (multiple genes)
  25. Theropithecus gelada microRNA 106b (ENSTGEG00000011519.1)
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